Dialogue of young people (EN)



Dialogue of young people


The young people’s dialogue and discussion on SDG 4.7 plays a vital role in the project, as there is a strong emphasis on the active participation of young people at all levels of education. In the project, young people are given the appropriate preparation for a democratic society and for diverse opportunities in further study and work.

From the beginning we decided all the Nordic countries should be equally involved in the project.The project partners collaborated with their local youth clubs in gathering young participants for the project.During our first meeting in Oslo it was decided that all partners would organize five youth meetings with young people aged 13-25 years old in their home countries. The Nordic partners:

  • Iceland: Samfés, Youth Work Iceland
  • Norway: Ungdom og Fritid
  • Åland: SKUNK
  • Denmark: Ungdomsringen
  • Finland: Youth Akademy Finland
  • Greenland: Maire Isbosethsen
  • Faroe Islands: Alice Simonsen
  • Sweden: Fritidsforum

Nordic Youth Congress in Iceland
With all of our Nordic partners and young participants we organised a National Youth Congress in Iceland on October 4th-6th, 2019 where 450 young people from Iceland and all the Nordic countries came together. The congress was organised and led by young people participating in the project in collaboration with the Samfés youth council. All participants at the Nordic Youth Congress were informed and had time in their national groups to prepare and talk about Education for all and world goal 4.7 before the congress.

This project has given many young people in all of the Nordic countries an opportunity to:
– meet and get to know other young people in the Nordic countries
– learn from each other and share their local and national views, experiences and languages
– actively participate in the project, share thoughts and talk about sustainability with other youngsters
– learn new skills such as facilitating groups, networking with others, using foreign languages, and so forth

Byproducts of the cooperation into the future are as follows:

  • Increased dialogue and other joint projects between the partners.
  • Nordic Esport United, an online Esport tournament November 6th-7th, for youngsters from Iceland and Denmark of the age 13 – 25.
  • Nordic Youth Podcast – Young people will work together creating a Nordic podcast, where topics relating to young people will be discussed.
  • A Gamified Agenda 2030. Co-creating a new game with youngsters from 3-4 Nordic countries.