Education for all with special emphasis on SDG 4.7.
The Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2019
Objectives of the project Education for All in all, the Nordic countries will be at the forefront of the implementation of the United Nations’ fourth global goal with special emphasis on sub-objectives 4.7. It covers all school levels and applies to service and support the countries’ education systems will be at the forefront order and that individuals have the opportunity to diverse study and work, without differentiation.

In order to strengthen a democratic society, a foundation must be laid active participation at all school levels and provide appropriate for children and young people preparation and diverse opportunities for further studies or jobs. The project is threefold and involves a pan Nordic mapping of the implementation of a global goal 4.7, young people’s dialogue about the goal.
Special emphasis on active participation and a conversation with representatives of young people in the Nordic countries.
Sustainable development goal 4.7
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Global Goal 4.7 stipulates that by 2030 at the latest, all students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development, including education for sustainable development, sustainable living, human rights, gender equality, and the promotion of peaceful relations without violence, civic awareness, the recognition of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.
The project main milestones include a Nordic mapping of the state of implementation of World Goal 4.7, young people’s dialogue on world goals 4.7 in the education system and the preparation of teaching and indicative material for all school levels from pre-school to upper secondary school with teaching ideas, priorities and quality indicators for future schooling in the spirit of Global Goal 4.7.
Nordic mapping of the implementation (MESIN). – Ólafur Páll Jónsson, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iceland leads this second part of the project.
The young people’s dialogue on SDG 4.7 – Samfés, Youth Work Iceland.
Education material – Directorate of Education we will publish Nordic material for use in schools with quality indicators for work on the implementation of the world target 4.7 at all school levels.
Project manager: Victor Berg Guðmundsson, managing director of Samfés.