by Samfés | 16.5.2021 | Verkefni-en
COMMUNITY INCENTIVE AWARD Samfé’s incentive award is awarded at the association’s general meeting. The goal of the incentive award is to encourage and draw attention to the powerful work that takes place in community centers and youth centers throughout...
by Samfés | 30.11.2020 | Verkefni-en
Dialogue of young people2019-2020 Final report – DIALOGUE OF YOUNG PEOPLE The young people’s dialogue and discussion on SDG 4.7 plays a vital role in the project, as there is a strong emphasis on the active participation of young people at all levels of...
by Samfés | 25.11.2020 | Verkefni-en
Sofa The sofa is a new and exciting episode where people from the scene come to the sofa chat about the various issues related to young people. The sofa is an episode and will be sent out once a week. Þáttur 1 Viðmælendur fyrsta þáttarins eru þær Sólborg, stofnandi...
by Samfés | 18.11.2020 | Verkefni-en
SAMFÉS DISCORDSTAFRÆNN VETTVANGUR FYRIR UNGT FÓLK. Leiðbeiningar: Samfés Discord leiðbeiningar pdf Reglur rules...
by Samfés | 18.11.2020 | Verkefni-en
Young people and what? A podcast where young people talk about issues that matter! Young people and what? Representatives from the youth council of Ungmenhús hold the podcast Young people and what? Embla Líf is from the youth center Mosanum in Mosfellsbær and Védís Ýr...
by Samfés | 23.9.2020 | Verkefni-en
Menntun fyrir alla með áherslu á heimsmarkmið 4.7. Í formennsku Íslands í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni er sjónum beint að ungu fólki þar sem áhersla er lögð á virka þátttöku og samtal við fulltrúa ungs fólks. Áhersla er lögð á heimsmarkmið 4.7 sem snýr að eflingu...