In 1991, the first Samfésball was held in Hina Húsinu. With this event, Samfés met the wishes of the youth for joint entertainment of all community centers. Samfé’s Youth Council called the events SamFestinginn. .
Since 2001, the SamFestingurinn has been held in Laugardalshöllinn, where other venues were closed due to the large number of young people. In recent years, about 4500 young people, about 30% of the country’s youth, have attended, from all over the country and representatives of 120 community centers, together with 300-400 employees.
The SamFesting consists of several events. On Friday, teenagers and staff come in buses to Laugardalshöll for a giant ball where big bands play before dancing, mixed with young musicians from the community centers. On Saturday, Samfé’s Play Equipment Competition and Singing Competition take place, but the competition is usually broadcast on TV as well. Many of the country’s most promising singers perform there, and the accompaniment is usually played by young instrumentalists from the community centers.
Samfé’s Youth Council is entirely responsible for setting up the program and choosing the DJs and bands that will perform at SamFestingurinn.
SamFestingurinn is without a doubt the biggest alcohol-free event of its kind held in Iceland.
Samfé’s rules apply at SamFesting.
- 1 employee per 17 teenagers
- All youth must come and go by bus with their community center (no one on their own).
- The event is tobacco, alcohol and drug free.
All information about the ball and the Song Contest is sent to Samfé’s member companies.