by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
Samfés-Con Annual event for community center and youth center staff. There, those who work with young people can come and learn about the latest in entertainment and education that is available for young people. Where there are presentations in the form of...
by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
SamFestingurinn In 1991, the first Samfésball was held in Hina Húsinu. With this event, Samfés met the wishes of the youth for joint entertainment of all community centers. Samfé’s Youth Council called the events SamFestinginn. . Since 2001, the SamFestingurinn...
by Samfés | 26.10.2020 | Samfés
About Samfés Samfés, Youth Work Iceland is an Icelandic non–governmental organization founded on the 11th of December 1985 at Fríkirkjuvetur 11 in Reykjavík. Samfés has 124 members, who consist of youth clubs and youth houses all over Iceland working with young...
by Samfés | 17.10.2020 | Samfés
Board and staff 2022-2023 Guðrún Svava Baldursdóttir (formaður) Guðrún Helgadóttir (varaformaður) Jóna Rán Pétursdóttir (gjaldkeri) Árni Pálsson (meðstjórnandi) Sindri Ágústsson (meðstjórnandi) Guðbjörg Halldórsdóttir (varamaður) Sandra Dís Káradóttir (varamaður)...
by Samfés | 17.10.2020 | Samfés
Meeting minutes 2020-2021: Stjórnarfundur 30.09.2020 Stjórnarfundur 30.10.2020 Stjórnarfundur 18.11.2020 Stjórnarfundur 13.01.2021 Starfsdagar stjórnar 28.01.2021 Stjórnarfundur 25.02.2021 Stjórnarfundur 14.04.2021 Older: Aðalfundur Samfés 2020 Aðalfundur...