by henry | 3.7.2023 | Viðburðir-en
Dagskrá SamfésStarfsárið 2024-2025 Hérna er hægt að nálgast auglýsinguna September 202411.- 12. September – Starfsdagar Samfés Október 20244. – 6. Október – Landsmót Samfés14. – 18. Október – Félagsmiðstöðva og ungmennahúsa vikan Nóvember 20241.- 3. Nóvember –... by Samfés | 1.3.2023 | Viðburðir-en
Stíll Style is an annual design competition between community centers where hair, make-up and fashion design are competed based on a specific theme decided by Samfé’s youth council. The competition has usually taken place in November every year. Stíl has been... by Samfés | 24.2.2023 | Viðburðir-en
Rhyming Rhyme flow, the young people’s rap competition, was first held in Miðberg in 1999. The competition has been a jumping platform for young and promising rappers from social centers, across the country, to create a name in the music world. E.g. These... by Samfés | 24.2.2023 | Viðburðir-en
Landsmót Samfés Samfé’s national convention, which is held in autumn every year, was held for the first time in Blönduós in 1990, where 25 members of Samfé gathered. The teenagers, all in the 8th grade, talked about youth issues and the staff discussed the... by Samfés | 24.2.2023 | Viðburðir-en
Working days of Samfés On Samfé’s working days, the staff of member organizations come together to discuss and plan. This annual event is an extremely important forum for staff from community centers and youth centers who want to be at the forefront of youth...
by Samfés | 10.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
E-sports In community centers and youth centers throughout the country, professional e-sports work is carried out, where they work with a wide group of young people. It is important to reach out to young people, increase social skills, reduce social isolation, engage...