The activities of Samfés as a national association have developed rapidly in recent years with increased work in the field of youth and social centers, as well as a variety of domestic and international collaborative projects as well as in international forums related to young people and youth. The organization includes A member of the European Social Centers (ECYC), the National Association of Youth Associations (LUF) and actively participates in the prevention group.
The Youth Association of Youth Associations
The National Association of Youth Associations (LUF) former Youth Association (LIFE) is an umbrella organization for young people’s organizations in Iceland and they belong to 31 member companies. LUF affiliates have in common to be a democratic, non -governmental organization operating nationally, managed by young people and working with the interests of young people as a guiding principle. LUF is a cross-political partnership and consultation forum, the young people’s advocate for the Icelandic government, speaks for the interests of young Icelanders internationally and has disclosure requirements to fulfill their affiliates as well as serve them in a variety of ways. More information at

The group
One of the main objectives of the SAMA group is to publish ads that are inspiring for parents and support them in the upbringing role. The group’s work includes permanent teams every year, such as the New Year’s Eve campaign and the summer campaign, but the group has also prepared all kinds of material to follow the group’s goals. More information at
European Social Centers’ Association
Ecyc website is The acronym Ecyc stands for the European Confederation of Youth Clubs and means the European Social Centers. The organization was founded in 1976 and will therefore be 40 years in 2016. Samfés became a member as early as 1987 or two years after the establishment of Samfés. In 2017, therefore, the 30th anniversary of Samfés marks in the organization. The aim of the establishment of Ecyc was to: promote cooperation between national social centers in Europe, increase young people’s international consciousness, promote and conduct youth exchanges, courses and conferences and encourage young people to participate in all areas of society. Ecyc receives support from the European Youth Council of the European Council (Council of Europe) and Erasmus+ (European Commission).
Within Ecyc, the members of 19 are organizations from 18 countries spanning Europe, from Iceland in the north to Cyprus in the south. It can be expected that over 1.2 million young people participate in the work of the social centers and ECYC projects each year. All of these organizations have a common interest in being a national association of social centers in the country in question. ECYC’s main tools to work on their goals are courses and conferences for young people, youth exchanges of individual social centers, social exchanges in social centers and organizations. The development of youth work e.g. through leadership training, the structure of networks between members on certain issues that are interested in at any given time and policy -making in certain areas, e.g. Participation in the community, youth work with girls or peer education.
Ecyc has had its only main goal in recent years to promote and promote the continued development of open youth work (Open Youth Work). The purpose of open youth work is to give young people the opportunity to develop through experience that teaches them to participate in a democratic society as well as to develop them as individuals.