Style is an annual design competition between community centers where hair, make-up and fashion design are competed based on a specific theme decided by Samfé’s youth council. The competition has usually taken place in November every year. Stíl has been competed under the auspices of Samfés and ÍTK since 2000.
The aim of Stíl is to encourage young people to create art and at the same time give them increased opportunities for original thinking and activate their creative abilities. The competition draws positive attention to what young people are doing in the field of creativity, gives them the opportunity to present their ideas and show the results of the group’s many months of preparatory work. Many of the country’s elementary schools offer an optional Style course for their students, where they are invited to work together on their design during school hours in collaboration with a local community center.
The organization of the competition is such that the groups, made up of 2-4 teenagers, most of whom have participated in competitions in their part of the country, get two hours to prepare their model for the exhibition. The teams also submit a design portfolio, which explains the concept behind the design, with drawings, fabric samples, cost information and photographs of the garment, hair and make-up. The contestants take great pride in the project and the costumes are designed by the groups in advance in the community centers or as an optional course in the country’s primary schools.
Handbook of Style
We recommend that all participants and community center staff read the handbook and familiarize themselves with the rules of the competition and information about the design portfolio, etc. by CLICKING HERE.
Note that the guide was updated in January 2021.
Themes of the past years:
2001 Töfrar í Digranesi
2002 Hafið
2003 Eldur
2004 Litir
2005 Rusl
2006 Móðir Jörð
2007 Íslensku þjóðsögurnar
2008 Framtíðin í Smáranum
2009 Endurvinnsla í Vetrargarðinum
2010 Tilfinningar í Vetrargarðinum
2011 Ævintýri í Ýmishúsinu
2012 Framtíðin í Hörpu
2013 Fortíðin í Hörpu
2014 Tækni í Hörpu
2015 Náttúra
2017 Gyðjur og goð
2018 Drag
2019 90´s
2020 Disney
Results the past years:
1. place: 101, Reykjavík

1st place: Klakinn at Sjælandsskóli in Garðabær
2nd place: 105, Reykjavík
3rd place: Garðalund
The best organized folder: Focus
Best make-up: Garðalund
Best fantasy make-up: The lighthouse, Hafnarfjörður
Incentive reward: The pressure

1st place: Klakinn at Sjælandsskóli in Garðabær
2nd place: 105, Reykjavík
3rd place: Garðalund
The best organized folder: Focus
Best make-up: Garðalund
Best fantasy make-up: The lighthouse, Hafnarfjörður
Incentive reward: The pressure