by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
Samfé’s dance competition In 2017, it was decided, on the initiative and wish of young people, to start Samfé’s Dance Competition, which has certainly been a hit. The competition has now become one of the association’s annual events, which provides...
by henry | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
Landsþing ungmennahúsa Landsþing SamfésPlús er einn af árlegum viðburðum Samfés. Markmið landsþings Plússins er að skapa vettvang fyrir ungt fólk til að hittast, móta starfsemi ungmennahúsa landsins, skiptast á hugmyndum og efla samstarfið. Landsþingið er mikilvægur...
by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
General meeting Samfé’s general meeting takes place every year, where members come together to discuss the various issues, share experiences and form relationships. Every other year, Samfé’s general meeting is held outside the capital area, which gives...
by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
Samfés singing competition Samfé’s singing competition has been held since 1992 and took place in Danshúsin Glæsibær. Over the years, the singing competition has grown along with the number of community centers. In 2001, it was decided to connect the singing...
by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
Samfés-Con Annual event for community center and youth center staff. There, those who work with young people can come and learn about the latest in entertainment and education that is available for young people. Where there are presentations in the form of...
by Samfés | 9.11.2020 | Viðburðir-en
SamFestingurinn In 1991, the first Samfésball was held in Hina Húsinu. With this event, Samfés met the wishes of the youth for joint entertainment of all community centers. Samfé’s Youth Council called the events SamFestinginn. . Since 2001, the SamFestingurinn...