Rímnaflæði 2019
Fellaskóli 15 nóvemer 2019. Davið Svanur Hafþórsson og Hjörtur Sigurðsson úr Afdrep Félagsmiðstöðin Snæfellsbæ sigruðu Rímnaflæði 2019 með laginu „Leiðinlegir dagar.
Landsmót 2019/Nordic Youth Congress
Svona var stemningin á tuttugasta og nínuda Landsmóti Samfés sem var haldið í Mosfellsbæ 4.-6. október, 2019
Norrænt ungmennaþing – Nordic Youth Congress in Iceland 2019 Education for all and global goal 4.7. Iceland´s presidency project in 2019. The young people’s dialogue and discussion on SDG 4.7 plays an important role in the project, as there is a strong emphasis on the active participation of young people at all levels of education in a democratic society.